Client Testimonials

If they can do it, so can you!

“I just wanted to say thank you so much for your help leading up to the wedding. Seriously, I couldn’t have felt the way I did and gained the confidence I did without you. I plan to continue a healthy lifestyle because I feel amazing and love how I look! I am so thankful for your leadership and guidance! You are seriously amazing at what you do and I am just so thankful.” - A.M.

”As someone who has been dealing with chronic pain and autoimmune issues for years, I haven’t been able to stick with an exercise program because I always end up with an injury. Amber designed an 8-week program for me based on all my goals and special needs and I am proud to say I did it!
I haven’t felt this strong and healthy in a very long time. I’ll be sticking with Amber from now on!” -A.B.



“I feel much stronger and definitely notice a difference and look leaner. Lost that little pouch over my belly. I loved the app and thought it worked really well and it was super helpful having the videos there to help me with my form. I think you are a great trainer and I’m so happy that I got this opportunity to work with you, I can’t think of anything you could’ve done better! Thank you so much for everything. I feel like a happier, healthier person!” -M.M.



“This plan has been so amazing. I’ve lost 10 pounds, but my main goal was to feel stronger and I definitely do…” - K.M.

“Girl I gotta say I’ve been at the beach this week and I feel SO CONFIDENT in my bikini. More confident than I’ve ever felt. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” - J.G.


“Just weighed in. I’m down 11 pounds! These workouts have been amazing for me.” - J.S.

“I feel like I’ve hit another level of pushing myself and I seriously feel and look so much better than I have in a long time!” - S.M.

“Your workouts make me happy, I feel stronger and more confident. I am slowly but surely seeing results! - B.L.

“It really is great noticing these little differences where I can add a little more weight or do an exercise longer. It feels great!” - Anonymous

“I remember when I couldn’t even do 1 decline pushup. Now I can do10 total!” - M.P.

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